═══ 1. General help ═══ HyperACCESS Pro is the fastest, easiest, most powerful communications software available for OS/2. HyperACCESS Pro is 100% native 32-bit code, and fully exploits OS/2 multiple threads and graphical user interface. HyperACCESS Pro makes accessing BBSs, online services, and internet telnet sites easy, yet gives you power and depth for your enterprise-wide connectivity needs.  Automate Perform any online access process hands-free, even multi-site polling applications or unattended file transfer.  Customize Define custom buttons or keys for your own use, or to simplify online processes for employees or customers.  Access hosts Access virtually any host computer that supports asynchronous terminals.  Transfer files Ship files to or from remote PCs or host computers, fast and error-free. New functions include:  Remote maintenance Solve problems or do routine software maintenance on distant OS/2 PCs or host computers, without leaving your office.  Remote support Provide training or technical support to other OS/2 PC users through a modem, the Internet, or LANs.  Application/resource sharing Put shared data applications or hardware resources (databases, compilers, CD-ROMs, printers) on a common PC to be accessed by others through LANs or modems.  Remote LAN access Dial in to a PC connected to your LAN to use e-mail or host connections, check progress of backups, and so forth.  Telecommuting Operate your work PC from home or on the road. With HyperACCESS Pro, you get the most powerful terminal communications and perfectly integrated OS/2 remote control, all in one easy-to-use package. Not only can you control other OS/2 PCs, you can let them control yours. HyperACCESS Pro comes with HyperHost, a powerful host program that can accept data calls from anyone with terminal communications software, through modems, serial cable, the Internet, or LAN. Authorized callers can transfer files and do file management. And callers with HyperACCESS Pro can operate your OS/2 desktop and programs, just as you can run theirs. HyperHost can answer calls while you're there or away. When you're present, you can chat with callers (using keyboards), take turns controlling your PC, or control it together. ═══ 2. Menus ═══ Context-sensitive help for menu choices. ═══ 2.1. Phonebook Panel ═══ The Phonebook panel is a notebook that contains phonebook entries. You can create additional notebooks and use them as phonebook panels. New notebooks appear as additional tabbed panels. Double-clicking on an entry is the easiest way to begin a communications session. However, there are other techniques. For example, you can drag the entry and drop it on the Terminal tab, or you can use the File menu to begin a communications session. There are a series of index tabs at the top of each notebook panel. The All tab displays all entries in the current notebook sorted alphabetically. Selecting an individual tab letter displays a sheet with only those entries that have names beginning with that letter. If you can't see all the tabs, use the double-arrow buttons (to the left and right of the tabs) to scroll the tabs. These buttons don't change the selected tab. The left and right single-arrow buttons (in the upper-right corner of the top sheet of the notebook panel) enable you to move the selected tab one position at a time. The letter selected changes with each click of one of these buttons. ═══ 2.2. Phonebook File Menu ═══ Use the Phonebook panel File menu for adding and deleting entries, beginning a communications session, and exiting HyperACCESS. The File menu is different for other panels. ═══ 2.3. Phonebook File/New ═══ New displays the Notebook Entry Type dialog. You select the type of entry you would like to create: a standard notebook entry or an enhanced notebook entry for accessing a PC running HyperACCESS Pro for OS/2 as a HyperHost. Regardless of the type of entry you select, New... displays the Description dialog. For a standard notebook entry, you enter an entry name, select or add an icon, and specify a phonebook and terminal emulator. For an enhanced phonebook entry, you do not specify an emulator. HyperACCESS then displays the Communications dialog, where you can change any of the default settings. This new entry uses settings from the New Entry Template. The contents of this dialog depend on the type of connection selected as the default when HyperACCESS was installed. Opening a new notebook entry or exiting HyperACCESS automatically saves your new notebook entry. HyperACCESS creates a filename based on the notebook entry name you entered in the Description dialog. ═══ 2.4. Phonebook File/Open ═══ When you select an entry, the grayed (unavailable) Open... becomes available. Open... displays the Terminal panel with the name of the selected notebook entry in the title bar and sets communications parameters to those of the entry. It does not connect to the communications port or dial the phone number. Note: You can open the New Entry Template and modify default settings from the Terminal panel. However, you can't connect to a remote computer or type in the Terminal panel when the New Entry Template is open (HyperACCESS displays a warning dialog if you attempt either of these actions). ═══ 2.5. Phonebook File/Save As ═══ Select Save as... from the File menu to save the selected notebook entry with a new name that you specify. It displays the Description dialog. When you enter a notebook entry name, select an icon, and click OK, HyperACCESS creates a notebook entry filename with an HAO extension, and displays the standard Save As dialog. This dialog enables you to change the filename, drive, and directory to use for the save. ═══ 2.6. Phonebook File/Import ═══ Select Import... to import entry files that don't currently appear in the notebook. This menu choice displays the Import File browse dialog where you can select a drive, directory, and file. Unlike other browse dialogs, Import File enables you to make multiple selections from the file list. Once you select one or more notebook entry files, HyperACCESS displays the entry in the current notebook. Note: You can also perform an import by dragging a notebook entry file (usually with an HAO extension) from an OS/2 drive folder onto the notebook panel on which you want it to appear. ═══ 2.7. Phonebook File/Delete ═══ Delete... removes an entry from this notebook. This menu choice displays a warning dialog with the following choices:  Remove from Phonebook Removes the entry from the phonebook, but doesn't delete its file from the disk.  Delete from Disk Removes the entry from the phonebook and deletes its file from the disk. ═══ 2.8. Phonebook File/Properties ═══ Select Properties to specify various settings for HyperACCESS. This menu choice displays a cascade menu of properties sheets. Among parameters you specify through Properties sheets are names and icons for notebook entries; communications settings such as connection and phone number; terminal emulator and custom settings for the emulator; ASCII receiving and sending parameters; file transfer protocols; paths used for logon program, capture file, and log file; and default preferences for mouse behavior, fonts, colors and other settings. ═══ 2.9. Phonebook File/Connect ═══ Connect opens the Terminal panel, makes a connection, and dials the phone number (if appropriate). You can specify the amount of time to wait for a carrier signal, number of and time between retries, and the volume of your modem speaker in the Dialing Details dialog. You access this dialog when applicable for the connection device (for example, a modem) by clicking the Dialing Details... button in the Communications properties sheet. When you select a notebook entry that doesn't have a phone number for connection devices that require one, HyperACCESS displays a warning dialog that tells you to enter a phone number and displays the Communications dialog. ═══ 2.10. Phonebook File/Connect and Record Logon ═══ Connect and Record Logon records a logon sequence to use for future connections. This menu choice displays the Terminal panel and the Recording in Progress window, and dials the phone number (if one exists) or displays a warning and Communications dialogs to obtain the number. Once HyperACCESS establishes connection with the remote computer, you must manually log on to the system. HyperACCESS begins learning your keystrokes as soon as you're connected to the remote computer. When you complete all commands you want HyperACCESS to learn, select Stop! from the menu bar of the Recording in Progress window. Related Information HyperACCESS User's Manual, Chapter 5, Automation Tools ═══ 2.11. Phonebook File/Connect But Skip Logon ═══ Connect but Skip Logon ignores a standard logon script that was previously recorded. It displays the Terminal panel and makes the connection. Once HyperACCESS establishes connection with the remote system, you must manually log on to the system. ═══ 2.12. Phonebook File/Exit ═══ Select Exit to end the current session of HyperACCESS. If there is an active connection with a remote system, HyperACCESS displays a warning dialog. ═══ 2.13. Notebook Menu ═══ Use the Notebook menu to create or delete a tabbed notebook panel. You can also copy a notebook or rename it. ═══ 2.14. Notebook Name ═══ Select Notebook Name... to display the Notebook Name dialog, where you can change the name of the current Notebook. The notebook tab permits names up to 32 characters long. ═══ 2.15. Notebook - New ═══ New... displays the Notebook Name dialog, where you can specify the name of a new notebook. When you enter a new name and click OK, HyperACCESS displays a blank notebook panel with a tab that shows the new name. The notebook tab permits names up to 32 characters long. The only entry in your new notebook is the New Entry Template. ═══ 2.16. Notebook/Copy ═══ Select Copy to copy in one action all entries from the current notebook to another notebook. It displays the Notebook Name dialog so you can specify the name of the destination notebook. HyperACCESS creates the notebook, and the notebook tab shows the new name. You cannot copy to an existing notebook. ═══ 2.17. Notebook - Delete ═══ Delete removes the current notebook panel. This menu choice displays a confirmation dialog. When you click OK, HyperACCESS deletes the notebook. This selection does not delete the files of the entries contained in the deleted notebook. ═══ 2.18. Phonebook View Menu ═══ The Phonebook View menu includes choices for customizing the way HyperACCESS displays the current notebook. ═══ 2.19. View/Refresh Now ═══ Select Refresh now to show changes made outside the program; for example, deletion of entry files. ═══ 2.20. View/Icons ═══ When Icons is selected (the default), this menu choice displays a check mark, and you'll see a notebook panel with icons representing the notebook entries. Each icon and entry name identifies a remote system. ═══ 2.21. View/Details ═══ With Details selected (checked), you'll see columns of text instead of an icon-based panel. The details displayed are values specified in the Communications properties sheet, plus the logon program file from the File Usage properties sheet. ═══ 2.22. View/Entry Names ═══ With Entry Names selected (checked), each notebook entry in your notebook is displayed in a multi-column list format with only the entry name shown. ═══ 2.23. View/File Names ═══ With File names selected (checked), HyperACCESS displays each entry with its icon and full path including drive, directory, and filename. ═══ 2.24. View/Toolbar ═══ With Toolbar selected (checked), the Toolbar appears below the menu bar. To see a label for a button, place the mouse pointer over it and wait a moment. To remove the Toolbar, deselect this menu choice. The selection you make (whether or not to display the Toolbar) applies to all panels, although the buttons displayed are different from panel to panel. ═══ 2.25. View/Status Bar ═══ When selected (checked), Status Bar displays the status bar at the bottom of the window. This is the default. Clicking on this selected menu choice removes the check mark and status bar. The selection you make applies to all panels. The status bar has five fields. From left to right, they are:  Modem LEDs Simulates the most common front panel indicator lights on external modems. You can control whether this feature displays by selecting Modem LEDs from the View menu.  Connect status If your computer is connected to a remote system, this field displays the word Connected and the elapsed time for the current connection in hours, minutes, and seconds. If HyperACCESS isn't connected to a remote system, this field displays Disconnected.  Terminal emulation Displays the terminal emulator for this session, and the Capture indicator (Capt) when you've selected Capture to file or (Prn) for Capture to printer. When HyperHost is executing a program, this field displays the program filename.  Communications settings Displays the baud rate, number of data bits, parity, and number of stop bits. ═══ 2.26. View/Modem LEDs ═══ When selected (checked), Modem LEDs includes the Modem LED display in the status bar at the bottom of the window. The selection you make applies to all panels. This feature simulates the most common front panel indicator lights on external modems. With devices other than modems, such as direct cable connections, the LEDs indicate equivalent status information. The modem LEDs are:  AA (Auto Answer)  CD (Carrier Detect)  OH (Off Hook)  RD (Receive Data)  SD (Send Data)  TR (Terminal Ready)  MR (Modem Ready) Note: A modem's MR indicator cannot be read by software, so HyperACCESS infers this state from the modem's DSR (Data Set Ready) signal. Note: The LED display closely matches actual modem indicators, but it's not precisely in sync, due to OS/2 communications drivers and buffering. ═══ 2.27. View/Panel Tabs ═══ When selected (checked), Panel tabs displays the tabs at the bottom of each panel. When Panel tabs is not selected, you must use the Window menu to change the current panel. The selection you make applies to all panels. ═══ 2.28. Phonebook Options Menu ═══ The Phonebook Options menu enables you to specify external utilities and sounds that you want HyperACCESS to use. ═══ 2.29. Options/External Utilities ═══ Select External Utilities to change the text viewer (text editor) and clipboard viewer programs used by HyperACCESS. By default, HyperACCESS uses the OS/2 Enhanced Editor and Clipboard. ═══ 2.30. Options/Sound ═══ Select Sound... to display the Sound dialog. You can specify whether you want HyperACCESS to use multimedia sound, system beeps, or silent operation. ═══ 2.31. Automation Menu ═══ The Automation menu provides four choices for automating HyperACCESS operation: Run, Abort, Edit Program, Buttons. These choices are a subset of the Terminal panel Automation menu. ═══ 2.32. Automation/Run ═══ Select Run... to display a standard file browse dialog, where you can select a drive, directory, and file to run a program. The file you select can be an automatically generated REXX program, or any .EXE program that uses the HyperACCESS Application Programming Interface (HAPI). ═══ 2.33. Automation/Abort ═══ Select Abort to terminate the automatic program being run. This choice is grayed out (unavailable) unless a program is executing. ═══ 2.34. Automation/Edit Program ═══ Select Edit Program... to display a standard file browse dialog where you can select a drive, directory, and file that contains the source program you want to edit. When selected, the file is opened in the OS/2 Enhanced Editor, or whichever editor (text viewer) you havespecified in the External Utilities dialog. ═══ 2.35. Automation/Buttons ═══ Select Buttons... to display a dialog where you can create or modify buttons that appear in the Toolbar. ═══ 2.36. Phonebook Window Menu ═══ The Window menu enables you to select another HyperACCESS panel for display; for example, Terminal or Terminal to Host PC, Phonebook, Call Log, Lists. You can use this menu to make another panel active when the panel tabs are not displayed. The currently active panel appears with a check mark. ═══ 2.37. Window/Terminal or Terminal to Host PC ═══ Select Terminal or Terminal to Host PC to display the Terminal panel where you interact with the remote system. ═══ 2.38. Window/Phonebook ═══ Select Phonebook to display the notebook panel that contains the default notebook. If you change the name or delete this notebook, the menu list reflects the change. ═══ 2.39. Window/Other Notebooks ═══ Any additional notebooks that you create appear in this menu. The name that appears in the list is the same name that appears on the panel tab. ═══ 2.40. Window/Call Log ═══ Select Call Log to display the Call Log panel. ═══ 2.41. Window/Lists ═══ Select Lists to display the Lists panel. ═══ 2.42. Help Menu ═══ Select Help to display a list of help choices. ═══ 2.43. Help Menu - Help Index ═══ Select Help index to display an alphabetic listing of help topics for HyperACCESS that includes dialogs, procedures, a glossary, and menu choices. ═══ 2.44. Help Menu - General Help ═══ Select General help to display an overview of the features and functions of HyperACCESS for OS/2. ═══ 2.45. Help Menu - Using Help ═══ Select Using help to display information about how to use the mouse or keyboard to get help. ═══ 2.46. Help Menu - Product Information ═══ Select Product information to display the HyperACCESS for OS/2 copyright and information about Hilgraeve. ═══ 2.47. Terminal Panel Menu ═══ Each menu on the Terminal panel menu bar provides control over the Terminal panel and how it's used or displayed. Briefly, the menus are:  File gives you some of the same capabilities as the Phonebook panel File menu. For example, you can begin a communications session and exit HyperACCESS. In addition, you can disconnect a session or capture interaction with the remote system to a file or printer.  Edit enables you to copy and paste text. It also features a search capability with the Find... menu item.  View enables you to customize various features for the Terminal panel. From this menu choice, you can display the Message Pad window and specify how you want the HyperACCESS window to appear.  Properties displays menu choices that open sheets of the Properties notebook. These sheets enable you to change various communications parameters pertaining to this entry, such as name, phone number, terminal emulation, and so on.  Transfer enables you to send (upload) and receive (download) files.  Automation enables you to learn or run programs and set up custom keys and buttons.  Window enables you to display different HyperACCESS panels.  Help provides additional information on how to use HyperACCESS. ═══ 2.48. Terminal File Menu ═══ The Terminal panel File menu is useful for opening, closing, and saving notebook entries, connecting and disconnecting from a remote system, capturing and printing remote system interaction, and exiting from HyperACCESS. The File menu is different when it's selected from a notebook panel. ═══ 2.49. Terminal File/New ═══ Regardless of the notebook entry selected, New... displays the Description dialog, where you enter an entry name, select or add an icon, and specify a notebook and terminal emulator. HyperACCESS then displays the Communications dialog, where you can change any of the default settings. This new entry uses settings from the New Entry Template. When you have finished entering information in the Communications dialog, click OK to close the dialog and return to the displayed Terminal panel. Cancel closes the dialog without canceling the new notebook entry. Opening a new notebook entry or exiting HyperACCESS automatically saves your new notebook entry. HyperACCESS creates a filename based on the notebook entry name you entered in the Description dialog. ═══ 2.50. Terminal File/Open ═══ Select Open... to display the Open browse dialog where you can locate and open any notebook entry file. ═══ 2.51. Terminal File/Save ═══ Select Save to use the existing notebook entry file to save the current entry's options and parameters. If the session is untitled, you'll see the Save As dialog. ═══ 2.52. Terminal File/Save As ═══ Select Save As... to display the Description dialog with the name Untitled. Enter a name, select an icon, notebook, and entry type, and click OK.. HyperACCESS then displays a standard Save As dialog. The Save as filename edit field displays a proposed filename, derived from the notebook entry name. You can enter any filename (with or without an extension). However, if you enter any extension other than HAO you'll see a message warning you that systems saved to files with extensions other than HAO do not appear in the notebook. ═══ 2.53. Terminal File/Connect ═══ Select Connect to have HyperACCESS connect to the port and dial the phone number (if appropriate). This choice is grayed (unavailable) if HyperACCESS is already connected to a remote system. ═══ 2.54. Terminal File/Connect and Record Logon ═══ Connect and Record Logon displays the Recording in Progress window and dials the phone number (if one exists) or displays a warning and Communications dialogs to obtain the number. Once HyperACCESS establishes connection with the remote system, you must manually log on to the system. HyperACCESS begins learning your keystrokes as soon as you're connected to the remote system. When you complete all commands you want HyperACCESS to learn, select Stop! from the menu bar of the Recording in Progress window. This choice is grayed (unavailable) if HyperACCESS is already connected to a remote system. Related Information HyperACCESS User's Manual, Chapter 6, Automation Tools ═══ 2.55. Terminal File/Connect but Skip Logon ═══ Connect but Skip Logon dials the phone number of the remote system. Once HyperACCESS establishes connection with the remote system, you must manually log on to the system. This choice is grayed (unavailable) if HyperACCESS is already connected to a remote system. ═══ 2.56. Terminal File/Disconnect ═══ Disconnect is available only if HyperACCESS has made a connection. Otherwise, this menu choice is grayed (unavailable). Selecting Disconnect terminates a communications session by hanging up the phone line (if appropriate) and releasing the connection. ═══ 2.57. Terminal File/Print ═══ Select Print... to display the standard print dialog. This dialog enables you to print selected text in the terminal area or Backscroll Buffer. If you haven't selected text, HyperACCESS prints the entire terminal area or Backscroll Buffer, whichever is currently active. ═══ 2.58. Terminal File/Print Setup ═══ Select Print Setup... to display a dialog where you can select from among available printers. HyperACCESS uses the printer you select for all its printing. ═══ 2.59. Terminal File/Capture to Printer ═══ Capture to Printer displays a cascaded menu with the following choices:  Start Displays the Capture to Printer dialog and displays Prn in the status line while capture is active. This menu choice is grayed (unavailable) if printing has already started.  Stop Stops printing and closes the printer. The print data are released to the print spooler.  Pause Suspends printing, but doesn't close the printer. If printing is already paused, this menu choice is grayed (unavailable).  Resume Restarts printing using the current printer. If the printer is already active, this menu choice is grayed (unavailable). ═══ 2.60. Capture to Printer/Start ═══ Displays the Capture to Printer dialog and displays Prn in the status line while capture is active. This menu choice is grayed (unavailable) if printing has already started. ═══ 2.61. Capture to Printer/Stop ═══ Stops printing and closes the printer. The print data are released to the print spooler. ═══ 2.62. Capture to Printer/Pause ═══ Suspends printing, but doesn't close the printer. If printing is already paused, this menu choice is grayed (unavailable). ═══ 2.63. Capture to Printer/Resume ═══ Restarts printing using the current printer. If the printer is already active, this menu choice is grayed (unavailable). ═══ 2.64. Capture to File ═══ Capture to File displays a cascaded menu with the following choices:  Start... Displays the Capture to File dialog and displays Capt in the status line while capture is active. This menu choice is grayed (unavailable) if printing is already started.  Stop Stops file capture and closes the current capture file.  Pause Suspends file capture, but doesn't close the current capture file. If capture is already paused, this menu choice is grayed (unavailable).  Resume Restarts file capture using the current capture file. If capture is already active, this menu choice is grayed (unavailable). ═══ 2.65. Capture to File/Start ═══ Displays the Capture to File dialog and displays Capt in the status line while capture is active. This menu choice is grayed (unavailable) if printing is already started. ═══ 2.66. Capture to File/Stop ═══ Stops file capture and closes the current capture file. ═══ 2.67. Capture to File/Pause ═══ Suspends file capture, but doesn't close the current capture file. If capture is already paused, this menu choice is grayed (unavailable). ═══ 2.68. Capture to File/Resume ═══ Restarts file capture using the current capture file. If capture is already active, this menu choice is grayed (unavailable). ═══ 2.69. Redisplay File ═══ Select Redisplay File... to display a standard file choice dialog that enables you to select a file for display. If the file is one that HyperACCESS Graphics Viewer supports, HyperACCESS launches Graphics Viewer and displays the file in the Graphics Viewer window. Otherwise, HyperACCESS displays the file in the Terminal panel. In this case, data in the file replaces the current Terminal panel contents. If you are online, HyperACCESS displays a warning dialog before displaying the file in the Terminal panel. Data displayed in this manner appears only on your screen and isn't transmitted to the remote system. Note: Because you can display any file, HyperACCESS has no way of knowing whether data will display properly with the current emulator. Displaying garbage characters may produce strange-looking results, but it is harmless. ═══ 2.70. Terminal File/Exit ═══ Select Exit to end the current session of HyperACCESS. If there is an active connection with a remote system, HyperACCESS displays a warning dialog. ═══ 2.71. Terminal Panel Edit Menu ═══ The Terminal panel Edit menu provides text manipulation tools. This menu provides items to copy and paste information. ═══ 2.72. Terminal Edit/Copy ═══ Select Copy to copy selected text from the terminal area or Backscroll Buffer to the Clipboard. Note that you must select text before attempting to use Copy, which is grayed (unavailable) if you don't select text first. If you prefer, you can use the Copy shortcut key combination: Ctrl+Insert. ═══ 2.73. Terminal Edit/Copy to Remote Computer ═══ To copy selected text directly to the remote system, use Copy to Remote Computer. This menu choice is available only with text selected. ═══ 2.74. Terminal Edit/Copy to File ═══ To copy selected text to a file, use Copy to File.... This menu choice displays the Copy to File dialog. ═══ 2.75. Terminal Edit/Copy to Printer ═══ Select Copy to Printer ═══ 2.76. Terminal Edit/Copy to Message Pad ═══ If necessary, this selection opens the Message Pad window, then copies selected text to the Message Pad. ═══ 2.77. Terminal Edit/Paste to Remote Computer ═══ Paste to Remote Computer copies text from the Clipboard to the remote system). You can use the shortcut key combination: Shift+Insert. ═══ 2.78. Terminal Edit/Paste from File ═══ Select Paste from file... to copy a file to the host (the remote system). This menu choice displays the Paste from File dialog, where you specify a file to paste. ═══ 2.79. Terminal Edit/Select Terminal Screen ═══ Select Select terminal screen to select all text in the terminal area. ═══ 2.80. Terminal Edit/Select All ═══ Select Select all to select all text in the terminal area and Backscroll Buffer. ═══ 2.81. Terminal Edit/Find ═══ Find... displays the Find dialog, which you can use to find a text string in either the terminal area or Backscroll Buffer. The search begins at the current insertion point and proceeds in the direction specified in the dialog. You can reposition the insertion point while the Find dialog remains active by clicking at the desired location. ═══ 2.82. Terminal Panel View Menu ═══ To customize the way HyperACCESS displays its window, use the View menu. There are several entries in common with the Phonebook View menu. ═══ 2.83. Terminal View/Scroll Lock ═══ With Scroll Lock selected (checked), the Terminal panel stops scrolling received text in the terminal area and Backscroll Buffer. You can use Scroll Lock when you want to force the view to remain stationary for reading, selecting text, or making keys available for local uses that would otherwise perform terminal functions. When Scroll Lock is on, HyperACCESS stops scrolling text in the terminal panel and won't send characters to the remote system. Two actions cause the panel to be locked: 1. Pressing the Scroll Lock key. 2. Selecting Scroll Lock from the View menu. Both actions display the Scroll Lock menu choice check mark, cause the Scroll Lock indicator to light on the keyboard, and display the Scroll Lock indicator in the status bar (the letters SL appear in the second field of the status bar). Selecting text in the terminal area or Backscroll Buffer also causes an implicit scroll lock condition, which ceases as soon as you deselect the text. ═══ 2.84. Terminal View/Message Pad ═══ Select Message Pad to display the Message Pad window. ═══ 2.85. Terminal View/Hide Backscroll ═══ When selected (checked), Hide backscroll prevents the Backscroll Buffer from being displayed unless you explicitly scroll into it. You might want to use this option if you find the Backscroll Buffer distracting or confusing. The default is unselected (the Backscroll Buffer is displayed when it has data, and space is available in the Terminal panel). ═══ 2.86. Terminal View/Scroll Bars ═══ When selected (checked), Scroll bars suppresses display of the vertical (and horizontal, if plural) scroll bars. The default is unselected. ═══ 2.87. Terminal View/Toolbar ═══ When Toolbar is selected (checked), the Toolbar is displayed below the menu bar. To remove the Toolbar from the HyperACCESS window, deselect this menu item. The selection you make applies to all panels. The buttons on the Terminal panel are, from left to right: Dial, Disconnect, Record, Capture to File, Capture to Printer, Print, Settings, Receive, Send, Message Pad. To see help text for a button, simply place the mouse pointer over the button. ═══ 2.88. Terminal View/Status Bar ═══ When selected (checked), Status bar displays the status bar at the bottom of the window. This is the default. Clicking on this menu choice removes the check mark and status bar. The selection you make applies to all panels. The status bar has five fields. From left to right, they are:  Modem LEDs Simulates the most common front panel indicator lights on external modems. You can control whether this feature displays by selecting Modem LEDs from the View menu.  Connect status If connected to a remote system, this field displays the word Connected and the elapsed time for the current connection in hours, minutes, and seconds. If HyperACCESS isn't connected to a remote system, this field displays the word Disconnected.  Terminal emulation Displays the terminal emulator for this session, and the Capture indicator (Capt) when you've selected Capture to file or (Prn) for Capture to printer. When HyperHost is executing a program, this field displays the program filename.  Communications settings Displays the baud rate, number of data bits, parity, and number of stop bits. ═══ 2.89. Terminal View/Modem LEDs ═══ When selected (checked), Modem LEDs includes the Modem LED display in the status bar at the bottom of the window. This feature simulates the most common front panel indicator lights on external modems. With devices other than modems, such as direct cable connections, the LEDs indicate equivalent status information. The modem LEDs are:  AA (Auto Answer)  CD (Carrier Detect)  OH (Off Hook)  RD (Receive Data)  SD (Send Data)  TR (Terminal Ready)  MR (Modem Ready) Note: A modem's MR indicator cannot be read by software, so HyperACCESS infers this state from the modem's DSR (Data Set Ready) signal. Note: The LED display closely matches actual modem indicators, but it's not precisely in sync, due to OS/2 communications drivers and buffering. ═══ 2.90. Terminal View/Panel Tabs ═══ When selected (checked), Panel tabs displays the tab at the bottom of each panel. When Panel tabs is not selected, you must use the Window menu to change the current panel. The selection you make applies to all panels. ═══ 2.91. Terminal Panel Properties Menu ═══ The Terminal panel Properties menu has an entry for each properties sheet. When you select an entry from this menu, HyperACCESS opens the Properties notebook with the selected sheet on top. The Properties notebook applies to the Terminal panel's notebook entry. HyperACCESS always saves changes you make in the Properties notebook when you click OK. ═══ 2.92. Terminal Properties/Description ═══ Select Description... to display the Description properties sheet. It includes text that shows whether the entry is a conventional terminal emulation entry or a terminal-to-HyperHost entry. ═══ 2.93. Terminal Properties/Communications ═══ Select Communications... to display the Communications properties sheet. ═══ 2.94. Terminal Properties/Terminal Emulator ═══ Select Terminal emulator... to display the Terminal Emulator properties sheet. ═══ 2.95. Terminal Properties/ASCII Sending ═══ Select ASCII sending... to display the ASCII Sending properties sheet. ═══ 2.96. Terminal Properties/ASCII Receiving ═══ Select ASCII receiving... to display the ASCII Receiving properties sheet. ═══ 2.97. Terminal Properties/File Transfer ═══ Select File transfer... to display the File Transfer properties sheet. ═══ 2.98. Terminal Properties/File Usage ═══ Select File usage... to display the File Usage properties sheet. ═══ 2.99. Terminal Properties/Preferences ═══ Select Preferences... to display the Preferences properties sheet. ═══ 2.100. Terminal Properties/Runtime Values ═══ Select Runtime values... to display the Runtime Values properties sheet. ═══ 2.101. Terminal Properties/Fonts ═══ Selecting Fonts... displays the Fonts properties sheet ═══ 2.102. Terminal Properties/Colors ═══ Select Colors... to display the Colors properties sheet. ═══ 2.103. Terminal Panel Transfer Menu ═══ You can use the Terminal panel Transfer menu choices to receive (download) and send (upload) files. ═══ 2.104. Terminal Transfer/Receive ═══ Select Receive (download)... to display a modeless dialog that you can position anywhere on your screen. The dialog enables you to set the file transfer protocol and other parameters for receiving files from a remote system. You can continue to interact with the remote system with this dialog displayed: prepare to receive files, issue commands to the remote system, then click the Receive button. ═══ 2.105. Terminal Transfer/Send ═══ Select Send (upload)... to display a modeless dialog that you can position anywhere on your screen. The dialog enables you to set the file transfer protocol and other parameters for sending files to a remote system. You can continue to interact with the remote system with this dialog displayed: prepare to send files, issue commands to the remote computer, then click the Send button. ═══ 2.106. Terminal Panel Automation Menu ═══ The Terminal panel Automation menu contains the same choices as its Phonebook panel counterpart, plus additional selections related to HyperACCESS's powerful recording capabilities. HyperACCESS can record your interaction with remote systems and generate REXX programs to automate your communications. The generated REXX programs use the HyperACCESS Application Programming Interface (HAPI) functions. For more about HAPI, and the definition of the functions available, see the HyperACCESS Application Programming Interface Manual. That manual also provides programming examples for both simple and complex tasks. Note: Depending on the product you purchase, the HyperACCESS Application Programming Interface Manual might be only on disk. ═══ 2.107. Terminal Automation/Record ═══ Select Record to start automatic generation of a REXX program. HyperACCESS displays (Recording) in the title bar and opens a window for recording generated statements. The title bar of this window displays Recording in Progress, and it includes initialization statements as soon as you begin recording. Your keystrokes and interaction with the remote system generate additional statements in the Recording in Progress window. You can edit statements as they appear, or you can wait to customize the generated program after you've stopped recording. Related Information HyperACCESS User's Manual, Chapter 6, Automation Tools ═══ 2.108. Terminal Automation/Recording Options ═══ Select Recording options to display a dialog where you can select either of two options for ending a program during playback:  Only if you (the user) abort it manually  If the remote system fails to respond within a time you specify. ═══ 2.109. Terminal Automation/Runtime Values ═══ Select Runtime Values... to specify variable data that your automation programs (scripts) can use. You can set or review the Runtime Values from the Automation menu or Properties notebook. You can enter values for User Name, User ID, Password, and String #0 through String #20. To make use of these values, an automation program must include statements that retrieve the values. While recording programs, you can insert User Name, User ID, or Password statements by using the Action menu in the Recording in Progress window. You can also include such statements when writing automation programs, plus use statements that retrieve and use String #0 through String #20. If you want to obscure the Password entry for security purposes, click the Hide button. The button label changes to Show..., and the password appears as asterisks. You can change the password, even while it is hidden; the new password also appears as asterisks. To "unhide" the password, click the Show... button, and enter the present password, to prove you are authorized to make it visible. Related Information HyperACCESS User's Manual, Chapter 6, Automation Tools ═══ 2.110. Terminal Automation/Keys ═══ Select Keys... from the Automation menu to display a dialog that you can use to assign macros, commands, or programs to key combinations. The ability to define macros provides a powerful technique within HyperACCESS to remap your keyboard. In addition to simple keyboard remapping, macros enable you to assign multiple keystrokes to a single key or key combination. This provides a simple, straightforward, nonprogramming method to automate commonly used words, phrases, and key combinations. ═══ 2.111. Terminal Automation - Buttons ═══ Select Buttons... to display a dialog where you can define or modify system-defined buttons that appear in the tool bar. ═══ 2.112. Terminal Panel Window Menu ═══ The first four choices in the Window menu (Clear backscroll, Clear screen, Reset terminal, Show clipboard) are unique for the Terminal panel. The remaining choices (for example, Terminal or Terminal to Host PC, Phonebook, Call Log, Lists) are the HyperACCESS panels. You can use this menu to make another panel active when the panel tabs are not displayed. The currently active panel appears in this menu with a check mark. ═══ 2.113. Terminal Window/Clear Backscroll ═══ Select Clear backscroll to erase the contents of the Backscroll Buffer in the Terminal panel. ═══ 2.114. Terminal Window/Clear Screen ═══ Select Clear screen to erase the contents of the terminal area of the Terminal panel. HyperACCESS scrolls lines in the terminal area up into the Backscroll Buffer. ═══ 2.115. Terminal Window/Reset Terminal ═══ Select Reset terminal to return the terminal emulator to its default settings. The defaults depend on the terminal type and might include settings such as tab stops, cursor type, colors, and so on. ═══ 2.116. Terminal Window/Show Clipboard ═══ Select Show clipboard to have HyperACCESS load the Clipboard application. You can resize or move the Clipboard anywhere on your screen while you continue working in HyperACCESS. You can use the Clipboard for cut-and-paste operations during a communications session. ═══ 2.117. Terminal Window/Terminal ═══ Select Terminal to display the Terminal panel where you interact with the remote system. This choice is Terminal to Host PC when you are connected to a PC running HyperHost. ═══ 2.118. Terminal Window/Phonebook ═══ Select Phonebook to display the noteebook panel that contains the default notebook. If you change the name or delete this notebook, the menu list reflects the change. ═══ 2.119. Terminal Window/Other Notebooks ═══ Any additional notebooks that you create appear in this menu. The name that appears in the list is the same name that appears on the panel tab. ═══ 2.120. Terminal Window/Call Log ═══ Select Call Log to display the Call Log panel. ═══ 2.121. Terminal Window/Lists ═══ Select Lists to display the Lists panel. ═══ 2.122. Terminal to Remote PC Panel ═══ This panel is displayed when you open an enhanced entry in the Phonebook or another notebook panel. The entry is enabled for connecting to a remote PC for remote control. The menus in the Terminal to Remote PC panel are similar to those in the Terminal panel. However, a Remote desktop choice is added to the View menu. Some menu choices that are not used when connecting to a remote PC are omitted. ═══ 2.123. View/Remote Desktop ═══ When selected (checked), Remote desktop displays a separate window containing the desktop of the remote system. This choice appears in the View menu only if the remote system is running HyperHost or Kat 2.0. It remains grayed unless you are connected with that remote system and you are authorized to control the remote system's desktop. ═══ 2.124. Message Pad Menus ═══ Each menu on the Message Pad's menu bar gives you some control over the window and how it's used or displayed. Briefly, the menus are:  File Use to open, save, and print any text file. You can also close the Message Pad window. HyperACCESS always saves the Message Pad contents when you close the window. The next time you display the Message Pad, HyperACCESS displays its previous contents.  Edit Use to cut, copy, paste, and delete the contents of the Message Pad window. It also provides menu choices for undoing the last edit operation, finding a string, and selecting the entire window contents.  View Use to display or hide the Toolbar.  Options Use to enable chat mode and word wrap.  Automation Use to run predefined programs and macros, and set up custom buttons.  Send! Transmits the contents of Message Pad to the remote system. If necessary, HyperACCESS initiates a connection to the remote system before sending the Message Pad contents.  Help Provides additional information on how to use HyperACCESS. ═══ 2.125. Message Pad File Menu ═══ The Message Pad File menu enables you to open, save, and print any text file. You can also close the Message Pad window. HyperACCESS always saves the Message Pad contents when you close the window or exit the program. The next time you display the Message Pad, HyperACCESS displays its previous contents. ═══ 2.126. Message Pad File/Open ═══ Select Open... to display a standard file browse dialog. Use this dialog to select and open any text file. ═══ 2.127. Message Pad File/Save As ═══ Select Save as... to display a standard Save As dialog. Use this dialog to specify a new filename and path to save the contents of the Message Pad window. ═══ 2.128. Message Pad File/Print ═══ Select Print... to display a standard Print dialog. Use this dialog to print the current contents of the Message Pad window. ═══ 2.129. Message Pad File/Print Setup ═══ Select Print setup... to display a dialog where you select from among system-defined printers. HyperACCESS uses the printer you select for all its printing. ═══ 2.130. Message Pad File/Close ═══ Select Close to close the Message Pad window and save its contents. Each notebook entry has its own saved copy of the Message Pad contents at the time Message Pad was last used for that entry. ═══ 2.131. Message Pad Edit Menu ═══ You'll find the Message Pad Edit menu items useful for editing tasks such as copying, cutting, removing, and finding text in the window (actually any ASCII text file). ═══ 2.132. Message Pad Edit/Undo ═══ The Undo menu choice is available after a cut, or a delete operation. It reverses the most recent operation. If you prefer, you can use the Undo shortcut key sequence: Alt+Backspace. ═══ 2.133. Message Pad Edit/Cut ═══ Select Cut to remove selected text from the Message Pad and copy it to the Clipboard. If you prefer, you can use the Cut shortcut key sequence: Shift+Delete or the Cut button on the Toolbar. ═══ 2.134. Message Pad Edit/Cut to Remote Computer ═══ Select Cut to Host to remove selected text from the Message Pad and copy it to the remote system. ═══ 2.135. Message Pad Edit/Copy ═══ Select Copy to copy selected text from the Message Pad to the Clipboard. If you prefer, you can use the Copy shortcut key sequence: Ctrl+Insert. ═══ 2.136. Message Pad Edit/Copy to ═══ The Copy to menu choice displays a cascade menu with three entries:  Host Copies selected text from the Message Pad to the remote system.  File... Displays the Copy to File dialog. Use this dialog to specify a file to use as the destination for copying selected text from the Message Pad.  Print Copies selected text from the Message Pad to the printer. ═══ 2.137. Message Pad Edit/Copy to/Remote Computer ═══ Copies selected text from the Message Pad to the remote system. ═══ 2.138. Message Pad Edit/Copy to/File ═══ Displays the Copy to File dialog. Use this dialog to specify a file to use as the destination for copying selected text from the Message Pad. ═══ 2.139. Message Pad Edit/Copy to/Print ═══ Copies selected text from the Message Pad to the printer. ═══ 2.140. Message Pad Edit/Paste ═══ Select Paste to copy text from the Clipboard to the cursor position in the Message Pad. You can use the shortcut key Shift+Insert. ═══ 2.141. Message Pad Edit/Paste from File ═══ Select Paste from File... to display the Paste from File dialog. Use this dialog to copy text from the Clipboard to the cursor position in the Message Pad. ═══ 2.142. Message Pad Edit/Clear ═══ Select Clear to remove selected text from the Message Pad window. ═══ 2.143. Message Pad Edit/Find ═══ Select Find... to locate a text string in the window. You specify the search string and criteria in the Find dialog. ═══ 2.144. Message Pad Edit/Select All ═══ Select Select all to select all text in the Message Pad window. If you prefer, you can use the shortcut key sequence: Ctrl+/ ═══ 2.145. Message Pad View Menu ═══ This menu has only one menu choice: Toolbar. ═══ 2.146. Message Pad View/Toolbar ═══ When selected (checked), Button bar displays the Toolbar below the menu bar in the Message Pad window. The buttons are: Cut, Copy, Paste, Print, Send. To remove the Toolbar, deselect this menu choice. To see the label for a button, simply place the mouse pointer over the button for a moment. ═══ 2.147. Message Pad Options Menu ═══ The Options menu has two choices that control how the Message Pad behaves. These choices enable and configure chat mode and word wrap. ═══ 2.148. Message Pad Options/Chat Mode ═══ The term chat mode means an interactive session with a remote system. It usually implies that another person is on the other end of the interaction, and that you want to carry on a "conversation" with that person. When selected (checked), the Chat mode menu choice enables chat mode. When chat mode is enabled, HyperACCESS sends the current Message Pad contents whenever you press the Enter key. After sending the Message Pad contents in chat mode, HyperACCESS clears the Message Pad window in preparation for your next message. To disable chat mode, unselect this menu choice. ═══ 2.149. Message Pad Options/Word Wrap ═══ Word wrap occurs when a text editor or word processor breaks a line at the end of a word or at punctuation. The term word wrap usually implies that whole words move to the next line without hyphenation. HyperACCESS supports word wrap in the Message Pad window for readability and because some host systems have relatively short maximum line lengths (for example, MCI Mail has a maximum line length of 79 characters). When selected, Word wrap... displays the Word Wrap dialog. Use this dialog to select either automatic or manual line formatting. With automatic formatting selected, you can set the maximum line width using the edit field or its associated spin button. When you send text to the host from the Message Pad, HyperACCESS sends all visible line endings, whether typed manually by pressing Enter or inserted by automatic formatting. If you select manual formatting, HyperACCESS sends only line endings typed manually. If you leave the Wrap to fit Message Pad check box selected (the default), HyperACCESS word wraps lines too wide to fit the Message Pad window, but doesn't send corresponding line endings. If you unselect this check box, you will need to use the horizontal scroll bar to view lines wider than the Message Pad window. The Message Pad follows settings in the ASCII Sending properties sheet when sending text. If you need to change settings for line endings, wait for specific prompt characters, add delays, and so on, use the ASCII Sending properties sheet. (You can select ASCII sending... from the Terminal panel Properties menu.) ═══ 2.150. Message Pad Send! ═══ Send! performs an immediate action, because it doesn't have any menu choices. Send! transmits the contents of Message Pad to the remote system. If necessary, HyperACCESS initiates a connection to the remote system before sending the Message Pad contents. ═══ 2.151. Message Pad Automation Menu ═══ The Message Pad Automation menu has the same items as its Phonebook panel counterpart: Run, Abort, Edit program, Buttons. Use this menu to automate HyperACCESS operations in the Message Pad. ═══ 2.152. Message Pad Automation/Run ═══ Select Run... to display a standard file browse dialog, where you can select a drive, directory, and file to run a program. The file you select can be an automatically generated REXX program, or any .EXE program that uses the HyperACCESS Application Programming Interface (HAPI). ═══ 2.153. Message Pad Automation/Abort ═══ Select Abort to terminate the automatic program being run. This choice is grayed (unavailable) unless a program is running. ═══ 2.154. Message Pad Automation/Edit Program ═══ Select Edit Program... to display a standard file browse dialog where you can select a drive, directory, and file that contains the source program you want to edit. When selected, the file is opened in OS/2's System (or Enhanced) Editor, or whichever editor (text viewer) you've specified in the External Utilities dialog. ═══ 2.155. Message Pad Automation/Buttons ═══ Select Buttons... to display a dialog where you can define or modify system-defined buttons that appear in the Toolbar. ═══ 2.156. Lists Panel ═══ The Lists panel provides a tool for viewing lists of remote systems. Lists can come from various sources. HyperACCESS comes with several lists. You can also use the Lists Panel for large lists, which you create, of HyperHost PCs you can connect to. For example, in a large corporation there might be a list that includes all workstations licensed to use HyperHost. It might be possible to export an appropriate, comma-delimited file from a corporate database of network users. If you are part of a TCP/IP network, you might be able to use an existing "hosts" file. In addition, you can download lists from various bulletin board systems, or export lists from contact programs and personal information managers (PIMs). These lists give you the option of calling thousands of systems, yet the space required to store the information is minimal compared to regular notebook entries. For you to use a list file, it must have a template. The list files that come with HyperACCESS have predefined templates. You can create templates for list files you download or create. Each menu on the menu bar provides control over the Lists panel and how it's used or displayed. Briefly, the menus are:  File Open or save a list file, copy entries to a notebook, or place a trial call. You can also find menu items to create a list template, print a list, and exit HyperACCESS.  Edit Cut or copy selected text to the clipboard. It also features a search capability with the Find... menu choice.  View Customize various features of the Lists panel.  Automation Run programs and set up custom buttons.  Window Change the display of windows within HyperACCESS.  Help Provides additional information on how to use HyperACCESS. ═══ 2.157. Lists Panel File Menu ═══ The File menu choices enable you to open, save, and print lists. You can also find choices for copying entries to a notebook, placing a trial call, and creating a list file template. ═══ 2.158. Lists File/Open ═══ Select Open... to display a standard file browse dialog box that enables you to select and open a list file (actually any ASCII file). ═══ 2.159. Lists File/Save ═══ Select Save to write the contents of the current Lists panel to the current list file. This selection doesn't prompt you for a filename because it saves to the same file that is open. ═══ 2.160. Lists File/Save As ═══ Select Save as... to display a standard Save As dialog that enables you to specify a new filename and path to save the contents of the Lists panel. ═══ 2.161. Lists File/Copy to Notebook ═══ With one entry selected in the Lists panel, this menu choice displays the sequence of dialogs required to define a new notebook entry. With multiple entries selected in the Lists panel, this menu choice displays a dialog where you select a notebook that you want to use as the destination for a copy of selected entries. Entries appear in the notebook with a default icon and the entry name specified in the list. The list in this dialog displays defined notebooks. You can select any notebook from the list. ═══ 2.162. Lists File/Place Trial Call ═══ Select the Place Trial Call menu choice to call an entry in the Lists panel before copying the entry to a notebook. If you have more than one entry selected, this menu choice is grayed (unavailable). ═══ 2.163. Lists File/Template ═══ Select Template... from the Lists panel File menu to display the Template dialog. It enables you to define a template for the current list file. HyperACCESS requires a template for every list file so that it can interpret the data in the file. ═══ 2.164. Lists File/Print ═══ Select Print... to display a standard Print dialog so you can print the current list file. ═══ 2.165. Lists File/Print Setup ═══ Print Setup... displays a dialog that enables you to select from among system-defined printers. HyperACCESS uses the printer you select for all its printing. ═══ 2.166. Lists File/Exit ═══ The Exit menu choice terminates HyperACCESS. If there is an active connection with a remote system, HyperACCESS displays a warning dialog. HyperACCESS automatically saves any changes that you make to the list file. The next time you display the Lists panel, HyperACCESS displays the file that was last open. ═══ 2.167. Lists Panel Edit Menu ═══ You'll find the Lists panel Edit menu choices useful for copying, cutting, removing, and finding entries in a list file (actually any ASCII text file). ═══ 2.168. Lists Edit/Undo ═══ The Undo menu choice is available after a cut or a delete operation. It reverses the most recent operation. If you prefer, you can use the Undo shortcut key sequence: Alt+Backspace. ═══ 2.169. Lists Edit/Cut ═══ Select Cut to remove selected entries from the Lists panel and copy them to the Clipboard. If you prefer, you can use the Cut shortcut key sequence: Shift+Delete. ═══ 2.170. Lists Edit/Copy ═══ Select Copy to copy selected text from the Lists panel to the Clipboard. If you prefer, you can use the Copy shortcut key sequence: Ctrl+Insert. ═══ 2.171. Lists Edit/Clear ═══ Select Clear to remove selected entries from the list. If you prefer, you can use the Clear shortcut key: Delete. ═══ 2.172. Lists Edit/Find ═══ Select Find... to locates a text string in the list. You specify the search string and criteria in the Find dialog. ═══ 2.173. Lists View Menu ═══ To customize the way HyperACCESS displays, you can use the View menu. The choices are: Tool bar, Status bar, Modem LEDs, Panel tabs. ═══ 2.174. Lists View/Toolbar ═══ When selected (checked), Toolbar displays the Toolbar below the menu bar. Use the buttons to copy a list to a notebook, place a trial call, cut a list entry, and print a list. To remove the Toolbar, unselect this menu choice. The selection you make applies to all panels. ═══ 2.175. Lists View/Status Bar ═══ When selected (checked), Status bar displays the status bar at the bottom of the window. This is the default. Clicking on this menu choice removes the check mark and status bar. The selection you make applies to all panels. The status bar has five fields. From left to right, they are:  Modem LEDs Simulates the most common front panel indicator lights on external modems. You can control whether this feature displays by selecting Modem LEDs from the View menu.  Connect status If connected to a remote system, this field displays the word Connected and the elapsed time for the current connection in hours, minutes, and seconds. If HyperACCESS isn't connected to a port, this field displays the word Disconnected.  Terminal emulation Displays the terminal emulator for this session, and the Capture indicator (Capt) when you've selected Capture to file or (Prn) for Capture to printer. When HyperHost is executing a program, this field displays the program filename.  Communications settings Displays the baud rate, number of data bits, parity, and number of stop bits. ═══ 2.176. Lists View/Modem LEDs ═══ When selected (checked), Modem LEDs includes the Modem LED display in the status bar at the bottom of the window. The selection you make applies to all panels. This feature simulates the most common front panel indicator lights on external modems. With devices other than modems, such as direct cable connections, the LEDs indicate equivalent status information. The modem LEDs are:  AA (Auto Answer)  CD (Carrier Detect)  OH (Off Hook)  RD (Receive Data)  SD (Send Data)  TR (Terminal Ready)  MR (Modem Ready) Note: A modem's MR indicator cannot be read by software, so HyperACCESS infers this state from the modem's DSR (Data Set Ready) signal. Note: The LED display closely matches actual modem indicators, but it's not precisely in sync, due to OS/2 communications drivers and buffering. ═══ 2.177. Lists View/Panel Tabs ═══ When selected (checked), Panel tabs displays the tabs at the bottom of each panel. When unselected, the only way to change the current panel is to use the Window menu. The selection you make applies to all panels. ═══ 2.178. Lists Panel Automation Menu ═══ You can use the Lists panel Automation menu to run and edit programs that will operate HyperACCESS. The Automation menu provides four choices for automating HyperACCESS operation: Run, Abort, Edit Program, Buttons. These choices are a subset of the Terminal panel Automation menu. ═══ 2.179. Lists Automation/Run ═══ Select Run... to display a standard file browse dialog, where you can select a drive, directory, and file to run a program. The file you select can be an automatically generated REXX program, or any .EXE program that uses the HyperACCESS Application Programming Interface (HAPI). ═══ 2.180. Lists Automation/Abort ═══ Select Abort to terminate the automatic program being run. This choice is dimmed or grayed (unavailable) unless a program is executing. ═══ 2.181. Lists Automation/Edit Program ═══ Select Edit Program... to display a standard file browse dialog where you can select a drive, directory, and file that contains the source program you want to edit. When selected, the file is opened in OS/2's System (or Enhanced) Editor, or whichever editor (text viewer) you've specified in the External Utilities dialog. ═══ 2.182. Lists Automation/Buttons ═══ Select Buttons... to display a dialog where you can define or modify system-defined buttons that appear in the Toolbar. ═══ 2.183. Lists Panel Window Menu ═══ The Window menu enables you to select another HyperACCESS panel for display; for example, Terminal or Terminal to Host PC, Phonebook, Call Log, Lists. You can use this menu to make another panel active when the panel tabs are not displayed. The currently active panel appears with a check mark. ═══ 2.184. Lists Window/Terminal ═══ Select Terminal or Terminal to Host PC ═══ 2.185. Lists Window/Phonebook ═══ Select Phonebook to display the notebook panel containing the default notebook. If you change the name or delete this notebook, the menu list reflects the change. ═══ 2.186. Lists Window/Other Notebooks ═══ Any additional notebooks that you create appear in this menu. The name that appears in the list is the same name that appears on the panel tab. ═══ 2.187. Lists Window/Call Log ═══ Select Call Log to display the Call Log panel. ═══ 2.188. Lists Window/Lists ═══ Select Lists to display the Lists panel. ═══ 2.189. Call Log Panel ═══ The Call Log panel enables you to view and edit log files. A log file is an ASCII file that contains a record of calls and file transfers. By default, HyperACCESS uses the same log file, DEFAULT.LOG, for all notebook entries. You can specify a unique log file for any or all notebook entries. When you select its tab, the Call Log panel displays the current call log. You can open any ASCII file in this panel. HyperACCESS keeps this file in the panel until you explicitly open another file, or load another notebook entry and then display the Call Log panel again. Note: Although the Call Log panel can load any ASCII file, it has a limited size. When the Call Log panel attempts to load a file that exceeds 32K bytes, it requests confirmation to delete the oldest information in the file (assuming log file content). If you get this message for other types of files, make sure you select Cancel. Each menu on the Call Log menu bar provides control over the Call Log panel and how it's used or displayed. Briefly, the menus are:  File provides selections that enable you to clear or save the call log (or any ASCII) file. You can also find menu items to print the file, and exit HyperACCESS.  Edit enables you tocut or copy selected text to the clipboard. It also features a search capability with the Find... menu item.  View enables you tocustomize various features of the Call Log panel.  Automation enables you torun programs and set up custom keys and buttons.  Window enables you to change the display of windows within HyperACCESS.  Help provides additional information on how to use HyperACCESS. ═══ 2.190. Call Log Panel File Menu ═══ The File menu items enable you to open, save, and print the Call Log panel. ═══ 2.191. Call Log File/Open ═══ Select Open... to display a standard file browse dialog box that enables you to select and open a log file (actually any ASCII file). ═══ 2.192. Call Log File/Save ═══ Select Save to write the contents of the current Call Log panel to the current log file. This selection doesn't prompt you for a filename because it saves to the same file that is open. ═══ 2.193. Call Log File/Save As ═══ Select Save As... to display a standard Save As dialog that enables you to specify a new filename and path to save the contents of the Call Log panel. ═══ 2.194. Call Log File/Print ═══ Select Print... to display a standard Print dialog to print the current list file. ═══ 2.195. Call Log File/Print Setup ═══ Select Print Setup... to display a dialog that enables you to select from among system-defined printers. HyperACCESS uses the printer you select for all its printing. ═══ 2.196. Call Log File/Exit ═══ Select Exit menu choice to terminate HyperACCESS. If there is an active connection with a remote system, HyperACCESS displays a warning dialog. HyperACCESS automatically saves any changes that you make to the log file. The next time you display the Call Log panel, HyperACCESS displays the file that was last open, or, if you loaded a different notebook entry, HyperACCESS displays the log specified for that entry. ═══ 2.197. Call Log Panel Edit Menu ═══ You'll find the Call Log panel Edit menu choices useful for text manipulation. The choices are: Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, Find..., Select All. ═══ 2.198. Call Log Edit/Undo ═══ The Undo menu choice is available after a cut, delete, or paste operation. It reverses the last operation. If you prefer, you can use the Undo shortcut key sequence: Alt+Backspace. ═══ 2.199. Call Log Edit/Cut ═══ Select Cut to remove selected entries from the Call Log panel and copy them to the Clipboard. If you prefer, you can use the Cut shortcut key sequence: Shift+Delete. ═══ 2.200. Call Log Edit/Copy ═══ Select Copy to copy selected text from the Call Log panel to the Clipboard. If you prefer, you can use the Copy shortcut key sequence: Ctrl+Insert. ═══ 2.201. Call Log Edit/Paste ═══ Select Paste to copy selected text from the Clipboard to the Call Log panel. If you prefer, you can use the Paste shortcut key sequence: Shift+Insert. ═══ 2.202. Call Log Edit/Clear ═══ Select Clear to remove selected entries from the Call Log panel. If you prefer, you can use the Clear shortcut key: Delete. ═══ 2.203. Call Log Edit/Find ═══ Select Find... to locate a text string in the list. You specify the search string and criteria in the Find dialog. ═══ 2.204. Call Log Edit/Select All ═══ The Select All menu choice selects (highlights) the entire contents of the Call Log panel. If you prefer, you can use the Select All shortcut key: Ctrl+/. ═══ 2.205. Call Log Panel View Menu ═══ You can use the Call Log panel View menu to change the appearance of the HyperACCESS window. It has the same items as its Lists panel counterpart: The choices are: Tool bar, Status bar, Modem LEDs, Panel tabs. ═══ 2.206. Call Log View/Toolbar ═══ When selected (checked), Toolbar displays the Toolbar below the menu bar. Use the buttons to copy a list to a notebook, place a trial call, cut a list entry, and print a list. To remove the Toolbar, deselect this menu choice. The selection you make applies to all panels. ═══ 2.207. Call Log View/Status Bar ═══ When selected (checked), Status bar displays the status bar at the bottom of the window. This is the default. Clicking on this menu choice removes the check mark and status bar. The selection you make applies to all panels. The status bar has five fields. From left to right, they are:  Modem LEDs Simulates the most common front panel indicator lights on external modems. You can control whether this feature displays by selecting Modem LEDs from the View menu.  Connect status If connected to a remote system, this field displays the word Connected and the elapsed time for the current connection in hours, minutes, and seconds. If HyperACCESS isn't connected to a port, this field displays the word Disconnected.  Terminal emulation Displays the terminal emulator for this session, and the Capture indicator (Capt) when you've selected Capture to file or (Prn) for Capture to printer. When HyperHost is executing a program, this field displays the program filename.  Communications settings Displays the baud rate, number of data bits, parity, and number of stop bits. ═══ 2.208. Call Log View/Modem LEDs ═══ When selected (checked), Modem LEDs includes the Modem LED display in the status bar at the bottom of the window. The selection you make applies to all panels. This feature simulates the most common front panel indicator lights on external modems. With devices other than modems, such as direct cable connections, the LEDs indicate equivalent status information. The modem LEDs are:  AA (Auto Answer)  CD (Carrier Detect)  OH (Off Hook)  RD (Receive Data)  SD (Send Data)  TR (Terminal Ready)  MR (Modem Ready) Note: A modem's MR indicator cannot be read by software, so HyperACCESS infers this state from the modem's DSR (Data Set Ready) signal. Note: The LED display closely matches actual modem indicators, but it's not precisely in sync, due to OS/2 communications drivers and buffering. ═══ 2.209. Call Log View/Panel Tabs ═══ When selected (checked), Panel tabs displays the tabs at the bottom of each panel. When unselected, the only way to change the current panel is to use the Window menu. The selection you make applies to all panels. ═══ 2.210. Call Log Automation Menu ═══ You can use the Call Log panel Automation menu to record and edit programs that will operate HyperACCESS. It has the same four choices as its notebook panel counterpart: Run, Abort, Edit Program, Buttons. These choices are a subset of the Terminal panel Automation menu. ═══ 2.211. Call Log Automation/Run ═══ Select Run... to display a standard file browse dialog, where you can select a drive, directory, and file to run a program. The file you select can be an automatically generated REXX program, or any .EXE program that uses the HyperACCESS Application Programming Interface (HAPI). ═══ 2.212. Call Log Automation/Abort ═══ Select Abort to terminate the automatic program being run. This choice is grayed (unavailable) unless a program is executing. ═══ 2.213. Call Log Automation/Edit Program ═══ Select Edit Program... to display a standard file browse dialog where you can select a drive, directory, and file that contains the source program you want to edit. When selected, the file is opened in OS/2's System (or Enhanced) Editor, or whichever editor (text viewer) you've specified in the External Utilities dialog. ═══ 2.214. Call Log Automation/Buttons ═══ Select Buttons... to display a dialog where you can define or modify system-defined buttons that appear in the Toolbar. ═══ 2.215. Call Log Window Menu ═══ You can use the Call Log panel Window menu to select a panel to make active. You'll need this capability when you turn panel tabs off. The Call Log panel Window menu has the same items as its notebook panel counterpart; for example, Terminal, Phonebook, Call Log, Lists. The currently active panel appears with a check mark. ═══ 2.216. Call Log Window/Terminal ═══ Select Terminal to display the Terminal or Terminal to Host PC panel where you interact with the remote system. ═══ 2.217. Call Log Window/Phonebook ═══ Select Phonebook to display the notebook panel containing the default notebook. If you change the name or delete this notebook, the menu list reflects the change. ═══ 2.218. Call Log Window/Other Notebooks ═══ Any additional notebooks that you create appear in this menu. The name that appears in the list is the same name that appears on the panel tab. ═══ 2.219. Call Log Window/Call Log ═══ Select Call Log to display the Call Log panel. ═══ 2.220. Call Log Window/Lists ═══ Select Lists to display the Lists panel. ═══ 2.221. Button Pop-Up Menu/Modify ═══ Select the Modify choice from a button pop-up menu to display the Button dialog. You can then change the appearance, action, and help text for the button. The changes you make will affect this button wherever it appears. ═══ 2.222. Button Pop-Up Menu/New ═══ Select the New choice from a button pop-up menu to display the Button dialog. You can then create a new button. ═══ 2.223. Button Pop-Up Menu/Copy ═══ Select the Copy choice from a button pop-up menu to display the Button dialog. You can then copy this button to create a new button. ═══ 2.224. Button Pop-Up Menu/Delete ═══ Select the Delete choice from a button pop-up menu to delete the button from the Toolbar. Before taking this action, HyperACCESS will display a message asking you to confirm that you want to remove the button. If you answer Yes, this button will be deleted wherever it appears. ═══ 2.225. Remote Desktop Panel ═══ When you connect to a HyperHost PC and select View/Remote Desktop, HyperACCESS opens a Remote Desktop window. This window displays the desktop of the remote PC. You can remotely control the HyperHost PC within limits defined by the HyperHost security system. With permission from the HyperHost, you can change who controls the HyperHost PC, so that you, the HyperHost operator, or both are in control of the HyperHost. The menus on the remote desktop panel include the following:  Action Reboot the remote PC, disconnect, close the Remote Desktop window, and exit HyperACCESS.  View Customize features related to the display, such as scaling and refreshing the view of the remote display.  Options Specify who controls the remote PC.  Keyboard Send control keys to the remote PC that normally perform special functions on your PC.  Transfer Send or receive files to or from the remote PC with a single dialog. You don't have to issue remote system commands.  Automation Run predefined programs and macros, and set up custom keys and buttons.  Help Additional information on how to use HyperACCESS. ═══ 2.226. Remote Desktop Action menu ═══ Provides options for rebooting, disconnecting, closing the Remote Desktop window, and exiting HyperACCESS. ═══ 2.227. Remote Desktop Action/Reboot Remote PC ═══ Select this choice to restart the remote computer. For example, you can use this action when you remotely modify CONFIG.SYS or other system files of the HyperHost PC and need to restart the computer for the changes to take effect. ═══ 2.228. Remote Desktop Action/Disconnect ═══ Select this choice to end the connection to the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.229. Remote Desktop Action/Close ═══ Select this choice to close the Remote Desktop window without disconnecting from the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.230. Remote Desktop Action/Exit ═══ Select this choice to disconnect from the remote computer and then close both the Remote Desktop window and HyperACCESS. ═══ 2.231. Remote Desktop View menu ═══ The Remote Desktop View menu offers choices for customizing features of the display. ═══ 2.232. Remote View/Refresh image ═══ Select this choice to redraw the entire screen image of the HyperHost PC in the Remote Desktop window. ═══ 2.233. Remote View/Pause Image ═══ When selected (checked), Pause Image stops updating the screen image in the Remote Desktop window until you uncheck it. ═══ 2.234. Remote View/Scale to Window ═══ When selected (checked), Scale to Window sizes the remote desktop display so that it fills the available space in the Remote Desktop window. ═══ 2.235. Remote View/Menus Visible ═══ When selected (checked), displays the menu bar, title bar, Toolbar, and scroll bar in the Remote Desktop window. Deselect this menu item to turn these features off. If you turn the menu bar, title bar, Toolbar, and scroll bars off, you can turn them on again by pressing left Shift+right Shift simultaneously, or by closing and reopening the Remote Desktop window. ═══ 2.236. Remote View/Toolbar ═══ When selected (checked), displays the Toolbar below the menu bar. To remove the Toolbar, deselect this choice. ═══ 2.237. Remote View/Terminal to Host PC ═══ Select this choice to display the Terminal to Host PC panel instead of the Remote Desktop window. ═══ 2.238. Remote Desktop Options ═══ Select this choice to specify who controls the remote PC. ═══ 2.239. Remote/Who Controls Remote PC ═══ This cascaded menu is grayed (unavailable) until you connect with a HyperHost PC. Then it becomes available. A check mark indicates whether you, the HyperHost user, or both of you have control of the HyperHost PC. While the two computers are connected, the selected menu choice changes if you or the HyperHost PC user changes who is in control. If the HyperHost user denied you authorization to change who has control, the choices remain grayed, but the check mark shows the current selection. ═══ 2.240. Remote/Who Controls Remote PC (You) ═══ When selected (checked), shows that you have control of the remote PC. ═══ 2.241. Who Controls Remote PC/HyperHost User ═══ When selected (checked), shows that the HyperHost user has control of the remote PC. You can observe actions on the HyperHost PC, but you can't control it. ═══ 2.242. Who Controls Remote PC/Both ═══ .When selected (checked), shows that both you and the HyperHost user can control the remote PC. ═══ 2.243. Remote Desktop Keyboard ═══ Use this menu to send control keys to the remote PC that normally perform special functions on your PC. The first two choices are system keys that ordinarily control your PC. To simulate pressing these keys on the HyperHost PC, you must select them from this menu. ═══ 2.244. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+Esc ═══ Select Alt+Esc to switch between windows or full=screen sessions on the HyperHost desktop. ═══ 2.245. Remote Keyboard/Send Ctrl+Esc ═══ Select Ctrl+Esc to display the Window List on the HyperHost desktop ═══ 2.246. Remote/Always Send Keys Below ═══ Select Always Send Keys Below to be able to control the HyperHost computer by pressing keys in the list that follows in this menu. When you select this choice, a check mark appears in front of it. To turn off the Always Send choice, select itagain. The check mark disappears, and keys on your keyboard are reserved for your computer. If you press the keys, they will not be sent to the HyperHost PC. However, even if Always send keys below is not checked, you can still send keys in the list by selecting the keys from this menu. ═══ 2.247. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt ═══ Select to switch between the menu bar and the client area of the active window in an application on the HyperHost computer. ═══ 2.248. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+A ═══ Select to control software on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.249. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+H ═══ Select to display a Help menu on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.250. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+K ═══ Select to control software on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.251. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+O ═══ Select to control software on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.252. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+T ═══ Select to control software on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.253. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+U ═══ Select to control software on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.254. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+V ═══ Select to control software on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.255. Remote Keyboard/Send F1 ═══ Select to display context-specific help on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.256. Remote Keyboard/Send F10 ═══ Select to switch to and from the menu bar on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.257. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+Space ═══ Select to display the pop-up menu on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.258. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+F4 ═══ Select to close a window on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.259. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+F5 ═══ Select to restore a window to its former size and position on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.260. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+F6 ═══ Select to move between associated windows on the HyperHost PC (for example, between an application window and a help window). ═══ 2.261. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+F7 ═══ Select to be able to move a window on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.262. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+F8 ═══ Select to be able to change the size of a window on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.263. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+F9 ═══ Select to minimize a window on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.264. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+F10 ═══ Select to maximize a window on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.265. Remote Keyboard/Send Alt+F11 ═══ Select to hide a window on the HyperHost PC. ═══ 2.266. Remote Desktop Transfer ═══ Use this menu to send or receive files to or from the HyperHost PC. You don't have to issue remote system commands. ═══ 2.267. Remote Desktop Transfer/Receive ═══ This choice displays the modeless Receive Files from HyperHost dialog. You can position the dialog anywhere on your screen while you continue interacting with the remote system. You can select files to receive from the remote HyperHost PC, select a destination on your computer, and initiate the file transfer without manually issuing commands to the remote PC. Because of the multi-channel data link that HyperACCESS Pro establishes when you connect with a HyperHost PC, you can continue other interactions with the HyperHost PC during file transfers. ═══ 2.268. Remote Desktop Transfer/Send ═══ This menu choice displays the modeless Send Fies to HyperHost dialog. You can position the dialog anywhere on your screen while you continue interacting with the remote system. You can select files to send to the remote HyperHost PC, select a destination on the remote PC, and initiate the file transfer without manually issuing commands to the remote PC. Because of the multi-channel data link that HyperACCESS Pro establishes when you connect with a HyperHost PC, you can continue other interactions with the HyperHost PC during file transfers.